Trecia Lewis, LCSW

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Finding Meaning in Every Situation

In graduate school I was introduced to the work of Victor Frankl, a psychoanalysis with a unique and endearing view on life. His work tremendously helped me during a season when life felt overwhelming and despair seemed inevitable.  Feeling distracted by mental loathe and trying to keep focus on my academic commitment, the words “Life has meaning in all conditions” caught my eyes and shifted my mindset from mundane to purpose.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ”

Dr. Frankl survived the gruesome terror of the Holocaust, including the Auschwitz camp. He attributed his survival to the power of personal choice and assignment of meaning to the situation at hand. His experience encourages that difficultly does not omit or limit us from choosing to grow and WIN. We can face challenges with confidence and an optimal mindset of hope and faith.   

Dr. Frankl coined the formula D=S-M: Despair equals Suffering without Meaning.  In other words, when we do not assign meaning to the suffering, we are prone to despair. To avoid the rut of despair, we must disconnect from viewing our situation as hopeless; ultimately a tragic situation can be turned into triumph. 

Of course shifting our mindset is no easy task. But the unwavering reliance in God is a sure way of making the impossible possible. We can live daringly amid the rising tide of circumstances. Living courageously requires vulnerability and being brave. We can begin to cultivate a path through the hills and valleys. The good news is, we can expect God to be with us while we endure our wilderness of circumstance.

Currently, our world as we know it has changed unexpectedly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The complexity of the grief is beyond words. There are no right words insight to best explain the feelings and emotions many are rumbling with as a result of the magnitude of loss. The suffering is great and despair seems certain. However, we can move away from the terror of despair and attach meaning to the challenges of COVID-19. We can discover opportunities in this pandemic. Each morning we can face our day by spending at least 5 minutes reflecting and identifying the blessings and gratitudes during this season.

Be aware of the stories we tell ourselves during difficult seasons.

Remain hopeful and committed to be the best version of ourselves. As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties, we are certain that life situations are easier to manage when our hope is in Christ.  We are not in this storm alone. And life has meaning regardless of the difficulties.